Fantasy novels are my favourite thing to write, but I like to pen the occasional poem. It helps clear my head, and expresses feelings I can’t seem to show any other way. 2021, a poem is one of a few I’ll start sharing on my blog, and it contains a message for you, dear reader.
A road long
A journey vast
Allies fleeting
Some didn’t last
An attempt to pull together
Battling as one
Clinging to hope
Seeking the sun
We wander on
Finding our way
Seeking what works
Inviting it to stay
A myriad of strategies
Wobbles and falls
A quest for community
To weather it all
A grand race
Spanning the globe
Some reaching the summit
Others toiling bellow

But many sharing
Much that they know
And handing out means
To help others follow
We all dream
Of days of light ahead
But some see only darkness
A cloud about their heads
Some begin to tire
Others cling to hope
We all question at times
And do our best to cope
Wherever you stand
In quests of the year
I wish you the tools
To withstand our fears
To navigate life’s challenges
And nurture your health
To be kind to those around you
And to care for yourself
I hope that you find
What nurtures your mind
That 2022
Be to us all
More kind
Further Reading
If you enjoyed this, you’ll find my poem The Journey on Lily Lawson’s blog.