A Fantasy Author's Adventures in Fiction & Life


Early Interests

Elise’s love of adventure began with a childhood diet of Narnia and teenage years spent reading Lord of the Rings and playing Final Fantasy.

Fascinated with the ancient world, Elise majored in Archaeology and History at Monash University. Then it was time to travel (Europe, Egypt and Turkey).

Elise at the Sphinx.
In Egypt, 2009


Elise’s need to earn a living and a desire to work alongside energetic, enthusiastic and imaginative counterparts -children- resulted in a teaching career, which began in Australia. Then it moved to England, for two glorious years of exploring castles, ruins and stately homes. And two winters of dark, wet, miserable weather, which tried Elise’s patience. When tolerance for their greatest real life nemesis, the notorious Offsted expired, Elise returned to Australia. For two years. After all, New Zealand wasn’t far away and is home to hobbits, mountains and volcanic areas.

Alas, the pandemic interrupted Elise’s living abroad plans, but they hope to return to New Zealand to make pilgrimage to sites of natural wonder and LOTR filming locations alike. They are now living and teaching in their native Australia.


Elise’s love of fantasy and ancient history combine in their Young Adult Fantasy Ruarnon Trilogy, which blends the political structures of Old Kingdom Egypt with Greco-Roman warfare.

On Blue Sky they post about writing and life as a queer, autistic, chronically ill person with ADHD, and other personal and bookish updates.

On Mastodon, Elise enjoys talking to writers and posting about their characters, fantasy worlds and themes in their books.

Elise at one of Britain's many UNESCO listed castles, arches rising across the back of a courtyard, and four round towers rising behind them as they stand in a ruined window and third storey, 2016.
In Wales, 2016.


You’ll find more about what draws Elise to Fantasy, YA and the most personal scene in their books so far in Nikky Lee’s 10 Questions. For Elise’s thoughts on why they love writing antagonists and links between them and their characters, see this interview with Ash Holdfield.

Personal Blogs

Identifying as Nonbinary
I Think I’m Neurodiverse: ADHD?
What Does Pride Mean To You?

Stay in Touch

Elise is currently working on a new YA, SciFi-Fantasy called Sythe Series. To stay in touch with their books, blogs and personal pursuits, and for a short story set before Ruarnon Trilogy, subscribe to their Fiction Frolics.

Or Follow Elise’s books on:



  1. Raelene Van Horn

    Hi Elise,

    I love the photo of the Welsh Castle Tariah. I have seen several castles also, in Germany and then visited one in Glasgow, Scotland.

    I look forward to hearing more about your journey as a writer (via your News/Blog) because like you, I am and have been a Teacher too,

    Enjoy Your Pre-Holiday Bliss,

    Raelene Van Horn
    YouTube: Raelene Van Horn
    Etsy: dayplace

    • Elise Carlson

      Nice to meet you Raelene. Happy writing and teaching!

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