A Fantasy Author's Adventures in Fiction & Life


Heading: Ruarnon Trilogy (bronze helmet image beside.

Four paperback book covers in a row on grey background.

Rebellion is Due: young Urmilian, his hair braided back, eyes outlined with kohl, wearing fitted bronze armour, a bronze disc kilt, holding a helmet in his left hand and leaning on a spear with his right, a quiver of arrows at his hip.
Manipulator's War
Red glyphs outline a stone archway, through which fire arrows rain down on torch-lit battlements atop a castle, at night time. Spears in the foreground indicate an advancing invading army.
Bottom text: Elise Carlson, Ruarnon Trilogy Book 1
Secrets of the Sorcery War
Blue glyphs in a stone arch frame a pair of tall cliffs, a ship sailing on bright blue water through the gap, into the sunshine of a natural harbour.
Bottom text: Elise Carlson, Ruarnon Trilogy Book 2
War in Sorcery's Shadow
Purple glyphs around a stone arch in a stone wall, through which blackened clouds, with grey, lightening pronged edges loom over a many brown towers castle. Lightning crashes against and partially reveals a magic dome shield around the castle.
Desolate hills and dray plains life before it, with leafless, dried-up trees and a skull in the foreground.
Bottom text: Elise Carlson, Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3

Welcome to the abode of Elise Carlson, YA Fantasy author!

I’m an Australian, non-binary writer and my pronouns are they/ them. On my blog, you’ll find editing, querying and indie author advice.

My pages feature my Epic YA Fantasy books, external links to my favourite writer resources, more about yours truly, and a chance to nab yourself a free action-adventure fantasy story, should you be inclined to join my newsletter.

They also detail myriad ways to contact me, though alas carrier pigeon is not one of them, despite that it sometimes feels more reliable than technology 😉

Image: headshot selfie of Elise wearing glasses in the gumtree covered mountains.

My Most Popular Blogs

Notebook, laptop, coffee cup and book on a table.

Crafting a Quality book Pitch unpacks every essential pitch ingredient I know, with examples, to aid Twitter pitch party pitches and back cover blurbs alike.

Manipulator's War cover on fractured yellow paint background.

Manipulator’s War Origins details the literary, archaeological, character and life’s big question influences on my debut Epic YA Fantasy.

Twitter Pitch Parties +Mentoring Programs.

Pitch Parties (on whichever platform they are now) to pitch your book to literary agents (or the writing community), with detailed pitch and party preparation advice.


Thanks for visiting! -Elise Carlson

Total Website Visits: 332683


  1. Jacob Suarez

    Congratulations on your site! It’s great! I found it via Twitter. I’m a newbie and a writing enthusiast. It’s nice to see someone who wants to publish traditionally like me. Good luck with your novel. When you get your agent, you know it will be a good seller! Kudos again!

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